Designate a beneficiary
Designation of beneficiary for pre-retirement death benefits 2025
Your pension funds are a valuable benefit – both for you and any loved ones you leave behind. It is important to review your designation regularly to ensure it fits with your current situation.
Under the Rules of the Plan, you are permitted to designate a beneficiary of your pension benefits, subject to the requirements of the Pension Benefits Acts ("the Acts") in force in each province and territory.
The Plan provides that you may designate a beneficiary by completing a Designation of Beneficiary form. The designation is effective upon receipt of the form by CSS. Your designated beneficiary can be changed or revoked by completing a subsequent form. The most recently completed designation received by CSS is the operative designation.
Your beneficiary (spouse or primary beneficiary only) is listed on your CSS Pension Plan annual statement and myCSSPEN profile.
If you are separated, you should contact the Pension Plan’s office to discuss how this may impact your beneficiary designation and/or payout of survivor benefits in the event of your pre-retirement death.
For more information on designating beneficiaries, please see arranging survivor benefits.
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