Investment funds

​The CSS Pension Plan offers four investment funds - the Balanced Fund, Equity Fund, Bond Fund and Money Market Fund.

Using any or all of the four funds, you have the option to set an investment mix appropriate to your own goals and circumstances, and according to your own risk tolerance and investment comfort.

Balanced Fund

Asset mix

Canadian Equities

International & EM Equities

U.S. Equities

Global Bonds

Canadian Bonds

Commercial Mortgages

Short Term Liquidity

Real Assets

The Balanced Fund is the CSS Pension Plan's default investment fund.

The primary purpose of the Balanced Fund is to provide moderate long-term growth with managed volatility.

Consider investing:

If you consider yourself to be medium to long-term investor

If you wish to take advantage of the fund's professional management, broad diversification and automatic rebalancing

If you are seeking diversified exposure to global equities, fixed income and alternatives

MER - 0.64%

Management expense ratio (MER) - A measure of the investment and operating costs - or fees - needed to offer the investment funds.

Equity Fund

Asset mix

Canadian Equities

U.S. Equities

International & EM Equities

Short Term Liquidity

The Equity Fund is invested 100% in equities (or stocks).

The primary purpose of the Equity Fund is to offer members access to a medium to high level of investment risk.

Consider investing:

If you are a medium to high risk investor

If you are looking to improve long-term returns by taking on more investment risk in order to have the opportunity to earn higher average returns

If you have a longer term investment horizon ex: early-career stage, provided you can tolerate the additional volatility

MER - 0.43%

Management expense ratio (MER) - A measure of the investment and operating costs - or fees - needed to offer the investment funds.

Bond Fund

Asset mix

Canadian Bonds

Global Bonds

Emerging Market Debt

Private Commercial Mortgages

Short Term Liquidity

The primary purpose of the Bond Fund is to offer members access to a lower risk/return strategy.

Consider investing:

If you are a low risk/return investor

If you wish to reduce your risk of short-term losses as you approach retirement

If you are willing to accept a lower average return, knowing that higher contributions may be required or that retirement may have to be delayed

If you are approaching retirement and want to reduce the overall risk of your retirement portfolio where appropriate

MER - 0.48%

Management expense ratio (MER) - A measure of the investment and operating costs - or fees - needed to offer the investment funds.

Money Market Fund

Asset mix


Cash & Equivalents


The Money Market Fund is invested in one asset class, Canadian short-term investments.

The primary purpose of the Money Market Fund is to preserve capital.

Consider investing:

If you are a short-term investor

If you can use the fund to reduce risk

If you expect to "exit the markets" when you retire

If you wish to create a spending reserve from which to draw income when you retire​

MER - 0.18%

Management expense ratio (MER) - A measure of the investment and operating costs - or fees - needed to offer the investment funds.
Q4 2024