About Us

CCRL Petroleum Employees' Pension Plan


The CCRL Defined Benefit Pension Plan’s purpose is to provide members with a lifetime retirement income. Benefits are also provided in the event of death, disability, and termination of employment.

Information for active members

Following the recent change in pension plan administration to the Co-operative Superannuation Society (CSS) effective January 1, 2023, the purpose of this FAQ is to provide guidance on who you should contact regarding pension inquiries, changes to your personal information, calculation requests, or general information.

If your question or inquiry has not been addressed below, please contact the CCRL Pension Plan at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com, and we’d be happy to assist you.


Information for deferred members

Following the recent change in pension plan administration to the Co-operative Superannuation Society (CSS) effective January 1, 2023, this FAQ provide guidance on who you should contact regarding pension inquiries, changes to your personal information, calculation requests, or general information.

If your question or inquiry has not been addressed below, please contact the CCRL Defined Benefit Pension Plan at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com, and we’d be happy to assist you.

Information for pensioners and survivors receiving a monthly pension

Following the recent change in pension plan administration to the Co-operative Superannuation Society (CSS) effective January 1, 2023, this FAQ provides guidance on who you should contact regarding pension inquiries, changes to your personal information, calculation requests, or general information.

If your question or inquiry has not been addressed below, please contact the CCRL Defined Benefit Pension Plan at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com and we’d be happy to assist you.


This section will be updated periodically. 

Please check back here for future forms and resources. 

The CCRL Defined Benefit Pension Plan was established January 1, 1971. All member enrolments into the pension plan have been closed.

The CCRL Defined Benefit Pension Plan administration transitioned to the Co-operative Superannuation Society (CSS) on January 1, 2023.

While every member's situation may vary, should you decide to terminate speak to your HR department. 

Then you will receive a personalized package outlining all the options available to you.

While every member's situation may vary, should you decide to retire, speak to your HR department. 

Then you will receive a personalized package outlining all the payment options available to you.

If you are going through a spousal relationship breakdown, contact CSS directly by emailing dbpensionadmin@csspension.com and we will help you through the steps.

If you happen to pass away prior to retirement with an eligible spouse and you were eligible for retirement:

  • Option 1: Your spouse is entitled to a benefit from the CCRL Defined Benefit Pension Plan and options are sent to them.
  • Option 2: Lump-sum payment equal to the Commuted Value
    • Cash payment - less withholding taxes
    • Transfer to Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or Registered Retirement Income fund (RRIF)
    • Purchase an annuity from an insurance company
    • Transfer to their registered pension plan (RPP)

If you happen to pass away prior to retirement with an eligible spouse and you were not eligible for retirement:

  • Lump-sum payment equal to the Commuted Value
    • Cash payment - less withholding taxes
    • Transfer to Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or Registered Retirement Income fund (RRIF)
    • Purchase an annuity from an insurance company
    • Transfer to their registered pension plan (RPP)

If you happen to pass away prior to retirement with no eligible spouse: 

  • Lump-sum payment equal to the Commuted Value taxable to the named beneficiary(ies) or your estate depending on who you have designated.

Depending on what retirement option you chose at the time of your retirement will depend on what options are available to your estate, beneficiaries and/or joint survivor (spouse).

You can update your contact information by contacting CSS at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com or toll free at 1‐844‐427‐7736

To change your beneficiary, please contact CSS at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com and a Designation of Beneficiary form will be provided to you for completion. It is your responsibility to ensure your beneficiary is kept up to date.

Please contact CSS at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com or toll free at 1‐844‐427‐7736 to request a Division on Spousal Relationship Breakdown Commuted Value of Pension Benefits form. This form must be completed and provided to CSS prior to determining the calculation of your pension during the spousal relationship period

If you are eligible for retirement within the next two years, you can request an estimate of retirement benefits by contacting CSS at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com.

Please note you are limited to one estimate per calendar year. You may also consult your most recent Annual Pension Statement for a projection of your pension payable at your Normal Retirement Date, and information on Early Retirement from Active Service.

Members reach their Early Retirement Date (ERD) on the first day of any month after the member attains age 55.

The Earliest Unreduced Retirement Date (EURD) is reached when an Employee retires from active status on the first day of any month after they turn age 55, provided they have 30 years of continuous service, or on the first day of any month after they turn age 60, provided they have 10 years of continuous service.

Your retirement notice is required to be submitted to Human Resources or the CCRL Defined Benefit Pension Plan a minimum of three months prior to your retirement date, with all retirements falling on the first of the following month. It is important to note that your retirement notice is irrevocable and may not be changed or revoked after notice has been received.  

Please email your retirement notice to the CCRL Defined Benefit Pension Plan at pensionplan@fcl.crs or to Human Resources at crc.hrconnect@fcl.crs. You may use the provided Retirement Notice form available on SharePoint or draft your own.

  • Completing the required forms
  • Details of my pension calculation and the data used

For questions or inquiries related to your retirement package, please contact CSS at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com or toll free at 1-844-427-7736.

To request a copy of your most recent Annual Pension Statement, please contact CSS at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com or toll free at 1-844-427-7736.

You can request an updated pension package, by contacting CSS at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com or toll free at 1‐844‐427‐7736


You can update your contact information, by contacting CSS at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com or toll free at 1‐844‐427‐7736

To change your beneficiary, please contact CSS at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com and a Designation of Beneficiary form will be provided to you for completion. It is your responsibility to ensure your beneficiary is kept up to date.

  • My contact information (i.e., home address, email address, or phone number)
  • My banking information for my monthly pension payments
  • The amount of tax being deducted from my monthly pension payments

Please contact CSS at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com or toll free at 1-844-427-7736 to update or change your contact information, banking details, or tax deductions.

Please contact CSS at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com or toll free at 1‐844‐427‐7736 to notify of a pensioner, survivor, or spouse’s death.

To change your beneficiary, please contact the CCRL Defined Benefit Pension Plan at pensionplan@fcl.crs and a Designation of Beneficiary form will be provided to you for completion.

It is your responsibility to ensure your beneficiary is kept up to date.

  • Indexing
  • Bridge end date
  • Form of pension elected at my retirement date
  • Guarantee period end date

For information on any of the above items, please contact CSS at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com or toll free at 1-844-427-7736.

Your 2023 T4A was prepared by CSS and mailed to your address on file on February 28, 2024.

Contact us

If you have any questions or inquiry that has not been addressed above, please contact the CCRL Defined Benefit Pension Plan at dbpensionadmin@csspension.com.