Canada Post service disruption


Canada Post service disruption

Posted by CSS Pension Plan on November, 15 2024
CSS Pension Plan

UPDATED:  December 16, 2024


As a result of Canada Post service disruptions, mail to and from the CSS Pension Plan may be delayed. Postal services resume on December 17, 2024 (delays are expected). CSS will resume utilizing traditional mail services. If you (the member) want courier services, it is your responsibility to arrange for and pay for courier. Please read below for more details.


If you receive monthly pension payments as a cheque by mail

If you receive your monthly pension payment as a cheque by mail, you can update your account so that you receive your monthly pension payment deposited directly into your bank account.


Direct deposit is a secure and convenient way to receive your monthly pension payment.


To sign up for direct deposit, please complete the Direct Deposit of Variable Benefits/Monthly Pension form to forward your banking information to us.


If you do not sign up for direct deposit and therefore receive your cheques by mail, your pension payment cheques will be sent from CSS using mail services.  You may also contact our office to arrange for a courier service to pick up and deliver your cheque.


If you are applying for retirement income benefits


You can request retirement income options or application packages to be mailed, couriered (at your cost), faxed, or emailed to you. If you elect to have the package mailed to you please expect delays.


If you have recently mailed retirement application forms back to us and are concerned that they may not be delivered on time, please contact us and we will email you replacement forms that can be completed and returned to us by fax, email or courier.


If you have a Variable Benefit payment account and request a Variable Benefit lump-sum payment, please email or fax your request. Variable Benefit lump-sum payments will be delivered via direct deposit (as indicated on your form).

If you are applying for transfer-out benefits


If you recently mailed transfer-out application forms to us and are concerned that they may not get delivered to CSS, please work with your credit union or financial institution to have them resend by fax, email, or courier.


CSS will process completed transfer application forms following our weekly cycle, provided the receiving financial institution (or you, the member) has arranged for a courier to pick up/deliver the transfer paperwork and cheque to the receiving institution. If a courier arrangement has not been provided, the forms will be processed once mail services resume, as per CSS’ regular weekly schedule. If you are arranging for a courier, please contact us as we require the courier information before we will process the forms.


If you have questions, please contact us.


If you are applying for a withdrawal (cash lump-sum payment) benefits


If you recently mailed withdrawal application forms to us and are concerned that they may not arrive at CSS, please resend the paperwork by fax, email, or courier.


CSS will process completed withdrawal application forms following our weekly cycle.  All withdrawals are sent by direct deposit (using the banking information provided on the form) or sent by mail (as a cheque). If you do not want direct deposit and do not want your cheque sent by mail, you (the member) can arrange for a courier to pick up/deliver the cheque. If you are arranging for a courier, please contact us as we require the courier information before we will process the forms.


If you have questions, please contact us.


If you are returning Member Information Update documentation


Certain monthly pensioners will receive a Member Information Update letter and form. The completed form was due to be returned to us by November 23, 2024. CSS has extended this deadline to January 6, 2025 (approx. two weeks after mail service resumes). CSS will process completed forms upon receipt of emailed or faxed documents. If you have already mailed the documents back and they do not arrive, please email or fax copies.


If you are updating information


CSS will process all information updates (beneficiary changes, direct deposit changes, marital status changes, contact information updates) upon receipt of emailed or faxed documents. If you have already mailed documents and they do not arrive, please email or fax copies.


In the case of beneficiary changes for persons living in the territories, we will require the original documents (please mail or courier).


If you are planning to use a courier service, our physical address is:


CSS Pension Plan

Fifth floor, 333 - 3rd Ave. N.

Saskatoon, SK | S7K 2M2


If you have other questions regarding Canada Post service disruptions, please contact us.


Information for employers regarding the Canada Post service disruptions is posted here.




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