Since I’m working with a long-term investment horizon, I’m not too worried about the short-term ups and downs of the stock markets. I understand that in any given year I could see my Plan investments decline in value but accepting that risk is the trade-off for potentially higher investment returns over the long term. My current goal is to maximize the growth of my Plan investments over the long term,” Desmond says.
Desmond considers his investment experience and knowledge to be moderate. He knows that the Equity Fund has more potential for high returns but also has the highest risk out of the Plan’s four-fund line-up. To help him with his investment decision, he used the online Risk Tolerance Estimator to see which investment fund(s) might best suit his risk tolerance.
Completing the Risk Tolerance Estimator helped Desmond determine that an aggressive investor profile best reflects his investment goals and tolerance for risk. The Risk Tolerance Estimator also suggested a combination of CSS funds (50% Balanced Fund and 50% Equity Fund) that should suit Desmond based on his investor profile. Desmond reviewed the Balanced and Equity Fund information to learn more about them and ultimately chose to invest as the Estimator suggested.